Our Program

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

- Psalm 51:10 *ESV*

Christ Centered Recovery

Clean Sweep Ministries offers a Christ-centered recovery program for men and women in the Springfield, Missouri area. Our program includes sober-living and transitional housing, in which the participants can learn the skills necessary to recover from the hurts of the past while being surrounded by fellowship, love and support of other men and women, and our ministry team.

Clean Sweep’s sober living provides men and women with a structured, yet transitional environment. The program is based on developing a personal relationship with Christ, becoming morally accountable in day-to-day activities, creating a faith-work-life balance, staying clean from addictive substances, free from abuses, while developing a fully functioning support network outside the home so that when the man or woman is ready to transition to the next phase of their life, they will have the God given courage and the tools they need to be successful.

When available, Clean Sweep also provides equine therapy to assist in recovery efforts and help develop the minds and spirits, teaching the ladies and gentlemen important life skills to move forward. The program also includes weekly Bible study, recovery program attendance (AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery), church attendance, and mandatory house meetings.

Clean Sweep’s facilities are transitional homes secure and 100% free of addictive drugs, including alcohol, suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone), all opiates, and benzothiazines.  Program participants are required to be employed, submit to random UA screenings, meet all program requirements (recovery program and church attendance), and meet all legal obligations.

The program entrance fee is $300, which covers the application process, and interview, and first two weeks’ program fees. After that, fees for the program are $100/week, which must be paid in advance.

Feel free to contact the Director, Ms. Holland, if you have further questions.

Following are copies of the Clean Sweep Application and the Program rules.

Clean Sweep Ministries Application.docx
Microsoft Word document [77.2 KB]
Clean Sweep Ministries Program Rules.doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [71.5 KB]